Competition rules

The 2024 National Jazz Awards will feature the Saxophone.

Competition Rules:

1. The National Jazz Awards are organised as integral part of the 2024 Wangaratta Festival of Jazz and Blues - the finals will be held in Wangaratta on November 2nd 2024 at the Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre between 12-4:30 pm.

2. The competition is open to high-level musicians who are Australian citizens. The age limit is 36 inclusive (i.e. if you are 36 or younger on or before December 31st, 2024 you are eligible).

3. To enter the competition, contestants must submit recordings of three pieces, one of each from the categories below (not necessarily in this order):

(a) a piece by an established Australian composer
(b) a ballad (standard or original)
(c) a blues (standard or original).

The blues need not strictly follow the standard 12 bar form. It must, however, clearly reference the fundamental harmonic structure of the blues; the relationship between the I7, IV7, and V7 chords.

Where the piece in category (a) is a ballad or a blues, the contestant may elect to complete the program with an original piece (ie, composed by the contestant) in any style.

The piece submitted for category a) must not be composed by the applicant. This requirement is in place to ensure that the contestant demonstrates an engagement with the community and history of Australian jazz, and is aware of the music composed by current and past Australian jazz musicians.

One of these pieces must be recordedby the contestant with a band including piano (or guitar) + bass and drums. The other two pieces can use any combination of these instruments, from solo to quartet.


• Total time of the recording is not to exceed 20 minutes; no one piece may exceed 10 minutes.

• Submissions are to be in MP3 format and no larger than 10mb per song. Failure to submit in the required format will render the application ineligible.

• Contestants are urged to submit recordings that display their ability to meet a range of challenges, at a variety of tempi.

• Contestants will not be judged on the basis of the other players in the ensemble. However, they should assume responsibility for the overall shape of the performance, including choice of material, arrangement of ensemble passages, sequence and duration of solos, etc.

• Recordings need not be of professional quality, but contestants are reminded that a clear sound will make it easier for the judges to evaluate submissions.

• The contestant's name must not be announced on the recording.

4. Contestants must complete the online application form and includedownload links to a single GoogleDrive or Dropbox folder containing their recordings. Receipt of all entries will be acknowledged in writing.

Note: Acceptance of entries, and nomination of finalists, is at the discretion of the judges of the competition. Their decisions are final, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding their decisions.

5. Closing date for entries is 11:59 pm Friday, September 6th 2024. Entries submitted after this datewill notbe forwarded to the judges for consideration.

6. Entries will be de-identified before being disseminated to the judging panel. The panel will assess entries on a range of criteria including:

• Technique, including sound production and control

• Time feel

• Improvisation, including melodic line, harmony, rhythm, structure

• Originality / strength of concept / adventurousness

7. A total of six contestants will be selected to perform in the finals as part of the Wangaratta Festival of Jazz and Blues.

Applicants will be advised by email of their invitation to participate in the finals. This notification will be sent in late September 2024. Contestants selected for the finals must confirm their participation within seven (7) days of receiving the invitation. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification and allow the next rated candidate to participate. All applicants will be notified if they are successful or not.

8. Contestants must be prepared to play in the finals on Saturday November 2ndand rehearse on the afternoon of Friday November 1st in Wangarattaas per agreed schedule between finalists and the Festival.

9. The requirements for the finals are the same as for the initial application, i.e., the repertoire performed must comprise:

(a) a piece by an Australian composer
(b) a ballad (standard or original)
(c) a blues (standard or original)

Where the piece in category (a) is a ballad or a blues, the finalist may elect to complete the program with an original piece (i.e., composed by the finalist) in any style.

• One of these pieces must be played by the contestant with a band including piano, bass and drums. The other two pieces can use any combination of these instruments, from solo to quartet.

• Finalists may play these pieces in any order and are urged to display their ability to meet a range of challenges, at a variety of tempi.

• Finalists must assume responsibility for the overall shape of the performance: choice and arrangements of material, arrangement of ensemble passages, sequence and duration of solos, etc.

• Total performance time is not to exceed 20 minutes; no one item may exceed 10 minutes.

• The judges will assess performances on the criteria outlined in section 6 above.

10. Finalists must respect the specified time limits; failure to do so will result in disqualification.

11. Finalists must appear in the order and at the times specified by the organisers.

12. All performances as part of the competition will be open to the public. In the event that the NJA finals are broadcast on radio or streamed the finalists waive their right to request a fee for this but retain ownership of the recorded performance.

13. No fees of any kind will be paid to finalists.

14. Finalists may use written charts if they desire. Charts must be provided for the band two weeks prior to the Festival.

15. The organisers reserve the right not to award all of the prizes.

16. Finalists will travel to Wangaratta at their own expense. Accommodation for finalists will be provided by the organisers (this excludes meals, telephone calls and other miscellaneous expenses), for the nights Friday, November 1st and Saturday, November 2nd.

17. The Festival reserves the right to cancel the National Jazz Awards for any reason, and shall not be liable for compensation to any contestant or finalist.

18. The prizes for the 2024 National Jazz Awards are as follows:

1st Prize $7500 and a recording session at Pughouse Studios (Melbourne)

2nd Prize $5,000 and a recording at Free Energy Device Studios (Sydney)

3rd Prize $2500

Competition rules

Background Blur Gradient

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The Festival welcomes, and acknowledges the traditional owners of the lands on which the Festival occurs. We thank Elders, past, present and emerging, who cared for, and continue to care for the lands and waters of Victoria.

© Wangaratta Festival of Jazz & Blues